Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Christmas Day

*For those of you with access to our family blog - you'll find videos and our ice skating post too...

Christmas Day we didn't wake up until it was nearly noon. The girls opened their three presents - something to wear, play with and read. Then while they dug into their stockings, Daddy made delicious omelets for breakfast.

The girls were especially excited to see that Santa ate all the cookies and drank all the milk. They were so excited that he brought them candy canes in their stockings as well. There is nothing better than Christmas through a child's eyes. I am so grateful to be a mother.

After all that excitement we all took naps. After the nap we made a scrumptious Christmas dinner.

Christmas Day Dinner: Honey Glazed Ham, Garnet Yams with Maple Syrup and Maple-Sugar Streusel, French Green Beans with bleu cheese and candied walnuts, mashed potatoes with cream cheese, baby green and spinach salad with balsamic vinegar, pears and avocados, blood orange soda..mmmm.

M blessing the food...

K is our adorable picture gal...peek-a-boo

They happened to find one more present Santa left before they snuggled down to sleep. He must've forgotten to put their extra gift under the tree. Silly Santa.

The end... M is in a version of a "daddy straight jacket"... K - naturally is laughing.