Tuesday, June 29, 2010

We're nesting...

For the last few weeks my hubby and I have slept with the windows open. I especially love it in the mornings as the birds always seem extremely vocal as I wake up. I enjoy it, until my hubby slams the windows shut so he can get a few more minutes of snoozing.

About a week ago I looked out our family room to find a nest...

...but WAIT!!!! There's more...

a bird and...

we also discovered...
(this is where you press play)

We're having BABIES! THREE OF THEM!!!!
...well, via a surrogate...and other species.

Sometimes I catch the Momma bird on our backyard fence...and then nest completely un-sat on...and I worry. But my hubby tells me that the birds know what they're doing. Sometimes I also worry a wild cat that likes to flit around our backyards and in the open space behind us will figure out how to mount the patio cover... so I am waiting for the safe hatching of the momma bird's eggs with anxious and excited nerves. Not my babies and I'm totally caught up in the natural drama of it all!

One day I saw ...who I'm assuming was the father of the eggs, feed a worm to the momma while she was sitting on the eggs. I was so excited and mesmerized I forgot to call my girls over to see. It was a wriggling worm...and it was awesome.

I can't wait to see what hatches out of those gorgeous bright, blue eggs.

I am highly tempted to go get some bird food and bird houses to hang out there to entice my birds to stay.

*ahhhh... summer* We love our little house guests.

Side note: If you know me, you know I am not a country, camping, red-neck, truck-driving...girl. I'm more of a beach, room-service girl... but one that appreciates nature...

ps. I also recently caught a spider for a pet...aren't you proud of me?!


Mrs. O said...

A spider for a PET? I'm speechless.

Also I thought maybe you were hinting at something with those three eggs - rather coincidental, don't you think?

soybeanlover said...

Wow, I would never have guessed you as a spider pet woman.

I can sense the baby hungry. Three wouldn't be too bad, would it? ;)

Greek Goddess said...

That's really cool. My friend had a hummingbird nest on her patio once. Teeny tiny eggs. Love the blue eggs.