Tuesday, October 20, 2009


.... I don't know what my problem is.

I'm in a FUNK.

... which makes me want to sing "play that funky music white boy...."

I don't feel like cleaning out my google reader... it just seems way too time consuming.

I don't feel like reading my book for book club.

I don't feel like meal planning...cooking.

I don't feel like blogging much...

I don't feel like editing videos, organizing photos.

.... I'm sort of blah towards all those things...

Nothing is wrong... it's just weird that all these things that I enjoy... or did enjoy are sort of falling off my radar.

...weird...this funky mood of mine. I'm thinking if I just chill with it... it'll pass. You know... trying to practice patience...with myself.


Mrs. O said...

Sorry to hear it, hope the funk lifts soon.

Julie said...

Hey I'm in the same funk :) maybe it's the weather!

cabesh said...

I get in that funk once or twice a year. Maybe you should come visit me for a shake-up. :)

Travelin'Oma said...

Everybody deserves a good funk once in a while.